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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


America’s Volunteer Spirit Continues in the Face of the Pandemic

Volunteering continues to be a part of American culture and the efforts of individuals and mutual aid groups are playing an important role in the current pandemic.

Priced Out: Why Federal Tax Deductions Miss the Mark on Family Affordability

There is a strong family affordability case for avoiding policies that increase home prices. The current slate of itemized deductions is ineffective in achieving the goal of family affordability, and the system is therefore ripe for reform.

The Pandemic May Increase Faith but Not Religious Participation

Though a resurgence in American religious participation looks unlikely in the near term, it’s possible personal faith will continue to grow in subsequent weeks.

Whither Loneliness?

Despite widespread media circulation of claims that the United States was significantly more lonely now than in the past, we were unable to find documentation that supported those headlines in a persuasive and rigorous fashion.

Homeschooling During and After Quarantine

By taking a pluralistic approach to education and letting a thousand flowers bloom, policymakers can make homeschooling a viable alternative for parents who desire it.

U.S. Marriage Rates Hit New Recorded Low

Data released yesterday shows wedding bells are growing ever-fainter in states across America. This decline in marriage can be seen in the data even before any potential impact of the coronavirus, which is expected to lower the numbers even further due to social distancing-related delays.

Interpersonal Solidarity and the Spread of COVID-19

States with a greater sense of neighborly solidarity may be more likely to adopt social distancing practices and prevent the spread of coronavirus

Religion Supports Well-Being during Crisis

Although most American religious denominations have temporarily stopped gathering in person, many religious communities are adapting to provide continued opportunities for participation, and meet the spiritual and physical needs of their communities.

Volunteers Provide Support for American Seniors with Few Social Ties

The elderly are typically counted among society’s most vulnerable members due to health and physical challenges that accompany aging. Unfortunately, seniors are even more vulnerable during the current crisis and constitute one of the CDC’s high-risk populations for COVID-19.

America Tests Positive for Social Capital Decline

Much has been said about coronavirus’s costs to public health and the economy, but it’s also worth considering how the virus may affect the health of American civil society. Non-profits constitute at least one significant element of civil society and they are currently being put to the test.