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Ranking Member Mike Lee on April Jobs Report

Ranking Member Mike Lee on April Jobs Report

Ranking Member Mike Lee on April Jobs Report 

WASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, made the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added 428,000 jobs in April:

"Jobs should be returning to the U.S. economy at a faster rate. Measured against the pre-pandemic trend, over 6 million Americans are still missing from the workforce. 

"Unfortunately, President Biden's policies have slowed the pace of the jobs recovery. It has become more difficult for businesses to find willing workers, and more difficult for workers to earn enough to make ends meet. 

"It's crucial for Congress to lift the artificial weights imposed by Washington and give Americans more freedom to invest, innovate, and prosper. We must return to the pro-growth policies that fostered historic prosperity before the COVID-19 pandemic and once again give Americans access to real, lasting opportunities."

The Joint Economic Committee is Congress's bicameral economic research center and home of the Social Capital Project, led by Ranking Member Mike Lee.


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