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JEC Welcomes New Executive Director Tamara L. Fucile

Today, the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC) welcomed its new Executive Director Tamara L. Fucile. Fucile brings over two decades of policy, budget and management experience to the role.

Prior to joining the JEC, Fucile was a Senior Counselor at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities where she led the Center’s federal policy work, including its work to shape policies and programs in response to the economic impact of the coronavirus.

Previously, Fucile served in the Obama Administration as Associate Director for Legislative Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget from 2014 to 2017. Fucile is also a Capitol Hill Veteran, working for members of both the House and the Senate throughout her career. Notably, Fucile served as the JEC’s Policy Director under then Chairman Chuck Schumer (D-NY) during the 110th Congress.

Chairman Don Beyer (D-VA):

“As a leader of a member-services committee that is the economic think tank for Congress, it is important for the JEC’s executive director to understand how a number of issues are affecting the economy and what federal policy can do to help. It is also important for the JEC’s executive director to have relationships with leaders on and off Capitol Hill, including those in the executive branch and at other national think tanks.

“Tamara has all of that and more. In addition to being a former Capitol Hill staffer, which included a year as the Policy Director at the JEC, Tamara has worked for the Office of Management and Budget, Government Accountability Office, Center for American Progress, and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. In almost all of Tamara’s previous roles, she has led staff in engaging Congress and meeting strategic objectives and goals.

“The more than 20 years of experience and expertise that Tamara brings to the JEC will undoubtedly take the 75-year-old Committee to the next level. I am excited to welcome her to the JEC today and look forward to all that we will accomplish together.”